What's Love got To Do with It?

How My Partner and I Rekindled Our Love

Feb 02, 2025

I'm a relationship therapist who experienced a separation. The question I am asked the most is "How did you save your own marriage?" Here's my honest answer....

This year will be 32 years since we first fell in love. It feels surreal to think about how much time has passed, and while I wish I could say it's been a simple, happily-ever-after love story, the reality is far more colourful.

We've had our fair share of ups and downs, and yes, at about the 18 year mark things fell apart. There were long moments when we couldn’t quite find each other, times when our connection slipped away, and loneliness crept into places that once held joy. The distance wasn't just physical; it was emotional too—a vast canyon that seemed impossible to bridge.

In those stretches, doubt would whisper in my ear, telling me that maybe this was it, that perhaps we had grown too far apart to ever find our way back. The pain of disconnection was sharp and unrelenting, filled with misunderstandings...

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